
Jr. high is so much fun, nice teachers,

athletics next year supposed

to have the new school built all of y’all

6th graders will have so much fun. 


its so sad that the school year is almost over. This has been a wonderful school year. Everybody will miss you Ms. Easter. Its so sad that you don’t get to go to junior high with us.


This Weekend

This weekend was boring. All I did was watch movies and clean my room. I found kittens under my house. yesterday was better then Saturday Because when I went to church we decorated for the senior graduates.

During The Storm

On Friday when I got home from school I took a nap and when my mother woke me up she said that there was a tornado warning then ten minutes later the power went out. We were in our hallway and I was a so scared I started to cry because it was my first tornado.

This weekend

scentsyThis weekend was fun ,but also scary. The tornado scared all of my family because that was the first tornado that I have ever been in. Yesterday was fun because we went to the movies and my mother loved her new scentsy from me cause she has been talking about having a new one.

The Weekend

this weekend  at church we went to dinsmore and played, but it wasn’t that fun because they lowered the monkey bars. All I did was sleep and it was fun.

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